Tag: Battitude

For Her Sisters

Our girls stepped up their game and played in a Open level tournament hosted by USA Softball @ NRH Walkers Park

In the first Game playing against DEx/Impact Gold, Double Zero (00) Candace Moss, our second batter in the lineup, makes a beautiful hit into right field for a double, she steals 3rd, and the team is excited.

She had the entire team up as she attempted to steal home, and everything changed. As she slides into home the other teams’ catchers turns to make the tag. The tags goes under the sliding player’s mask and catches her chin turning a routine tag into a nasty injury collision.

In a flash, our catcher is down with 5 broken teeth. It was an awful injury. The entire diamond was shocked. Such a strong little girl on the ground wincing  in pain. The coaches were able to clean her up and get pain medication to reduce the pain. Her dad started calling around for an emergency dental appointment but couldn’t get her into an office until late Sunday.

Her father was upset as he discussed purchasing a mouthpiece the day prior and forgot to grab one. Now his daughter is in pain with broken and chipped teeth. This is his baby girl, the last of the pack, and because he didn’t have her wear the right equipment she is injured.

You would think that would be the end of the story.

This little lady picked herself up and said, “the damage is done and I can’t get to a dentist until after the tournament so I might as well finish”. The coaches moved her from catcher to right field and she played like she was 100%.

Anyone that has had a mouth injury understands that every time you move it hurts…It just awful. Thru the pain this little lady was grabbing balls and making beeline throws to 2nd, backing up 1st base, and running full speed.

To top everything off – She had to bat 3 more times making hits and scoring at every bat. She even slid into home …….. I wouldn’t have attempted that after taking such a hard hit.

When asked how she was able to handle the pain: Her reply “I was in pain, but I knew my girls needed me, so I had to hype myself up and get back out there”

I don’t know if an Adult could have played with a front tooth broken in half and major damage to 4 other teeth.

This little girl…no this young lady… showed the essences of team, that is not about the score, but a group of ladies fighting to get better and being there for each other. She displayed The Battitude Sisterhood of supporting each other in a simple game called Fastpitch Softball……..in these games…..these young ladies step up and do amazing things.

The scores from the tournament does not matter what matters is a 12 year old young lady showed a bunch of adults that the game really doesn’t matter it’s the relationship and bound these girls have with each other.

What Candace did for her girls is what a Sister would do for her Sisters. You stand and fight with team.

Clip of Candace 1st at bat after the injury: